"Why do wives walk out of marriage?
It's a good question...
The Angry Dad: "Why do wives walk out of marriage? When my wife first asked for a divorce, a lawyer called me, asked me a few questions, and then tried to convince me that she was leaving me for another man. 'Who is the boyfriend?', he asked."
The reason wives leave is there is no incentive to stay.
Many attorneys simply advise: "I can get you the kids, house, car, savings, child support and alimony. Get him to leave..."
The soon to be ex-wife (S2BX) launches a disingenuous campaign of misery (not hard because she is the miserable one...).
Dad leaves to keep the peace and the rest of the story you already know. If you're reading this, you're living it: Most men were willing to overlook this character defect when they married their wives, believing love would prevail…
Men need to teach each other the skills to avoid, circumvent or address these problems before, during and after marriage.
I know because I was successful, raised 2 kids as a stay at home, went back to school, became a law clerk and now help dads all day long to successfully stickhandle their matters in Family Court...
I’m also an adult child of divorce, step dad, and activist too for national divorce reform too, so I see it from many differing perspectives.
Men must step and accept their power to make change, and exercise it. And we will. But first they have to stop finding “BAD GIRLS” exciting enough to marry.
They always turn on you (and on in doing so, on the kids) in the end.
Danny Guspie
Executive Director
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